During the SWB Stallion Performance Test , we launched the initiative to support horses, breeders and riders during the war in Ukraine. Now, two weeks later, we are sending a total of SEK 72,168 to the organization Ukrainian Equestrian Federation Charity Foundation. 

”The support and generosity has been overwhelming.” says Ellinor Andersson, Communications manager at Swedish Warmblood Association. ”The first day we had received over SEK 12,000 and during the SWB Stallion Performance Test at Strömsholm, our main sponsor Agria also supported with SEK 10,000, which was very much appreciated.”

The charity fundraiser will continue as long as support is needed and the Swedish Warmblood Association will continuously transfer money to the Ukrainian Equestrian Federation Charity Foundation.

For questions contact: ellinor.andersson@swb.org, +46 79-585 20 40