
SWB Elite Foal Auctions

SWB’s successful Elite Foal Auctions will be held as hybrid auctions with ClipMyHorse.TV where you can bid online and on site at Flyinge during SWB Equestrian Weeks.

The SWB Elite Foal Auction for dressage foals  will be one of the week’s major highlights, on Friday September 27.

On Friday October 4,  after a day of nerve-piercing jumping competitons, the SWB Elite Foal Auction for showjumping foals is held.



The SWB Elite Foal Auction has been a well-attended event in the Big Arena att Flyinge, the stands were well-stocked and the interest to follow the auction via web TV big. A number of equestrian profiles and well-known riders has been seen both bid and buy and foals were sold to buyers in Sweden as well as other countries. The experienced belgian Frederik de Backer was excellent and exemplary fast as auctioneer and delivered everything you needed to know about the foals and a little bit more.

The SWB Elite Foal Auctions will be hosted by ClipMyHorse.TV, a well known site for streaming in Europe.

SWB Elite Foal Auction - all information about the foals and how to register to bid
SWB Auction Office

Our Swedish Warmblood team is ready to handle any questions regarding our online auctions and the foals offered for sale.

The auction office will be open from September 13 – October 4, 2024.

The auction office will be open for visitors at Flyinge, please contact us for individual appointments.

Visiting address: Flyinge Kungsgård, Flyinge, Sweden

e-mail: auction@swb.org

Helén Uddefors, CEO, +46(0)707 93783

Josefine Tinglöf, Auction manager dressage, +46(0)46 646 48

Ulrica Holst, Auction manager jumping, +46(0) 46 646 51

Let your foal grow up in Sweden

The climate and the vast landscape of Sweden is perfect for breeding young sport horses to build maximum soundness and longevity. Our foals and young horses are raised roaming large areas of land, in freedom and in social contact with other horses. If you wish to let your foal grow up in Sweden with all its benefits, we have several reputable farms that can offer full service. Some of our farms that we recommend also offer backing the young horse and getting it under saddle. Another alternative for some of the foals in the two auctions is to reach an agreement with the breeder that they keep the foal after the weaning. We are ready to discuss and support to reach the best solution for you and your foal.


We are happy to direct you to suitable horse transport companies that can offer transportation of your foal from Sweden to its new home whether it’s in Sweden or anywhere else in the world.

Bidding via the SWB Auction office

If you are not able to place your bid online, we offer alternative ways to place your bid in a safe and controlled way. We accept requests for phone bidding or requests for bidding by visiting the auction office. We need your request the day before the auction closes at the very latest. Please contact the auction office to receive the request-form or you may book an appointment at the auction office where you can fill in the paper form.

Successes for former elite foals!


+46 707 93 78 32

+46 466 46 48

+46 466 46 51

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